Pro­mo­ting the Edu­ca­ti­on and Up­brin­ging of Re­fu­gee Children

Our pro­ject “Pro­mo­ting the Edu­ca­ti­on and Up­brin­ging of Re­fu­gee Child­ren”, car­ri­ed out in 2017 and 2018, was sel­ec­ted by the Ba­va­ri­an Mi­nis­try of La­bor and So­cial Af­fairs, Fa­mi­ly and In­te­gra­ti­on and sup­port­ed by the Free Sta­te of Ba­va­ria wi­th bud­get funds from the Ba­va­ri­an Mi­nis­try of La­bor and So­cial Af­fairs, Fa­mi­ly and Integration.

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